Test for Myopia/Hyperopia
Step 1: Let's get this right. If you're using a:
- 14" screen stay approximately 74cm from the screen
- 15" screen stay approximately 1m from the screen
- 17" screen stay approximately 1.50m from the screen
- 20" screen stay approximately 2.20m from the screen
When you are ready look at the picture below.
Cover one eye with your palm (don't press on the lid) and take the test then cover the other eye and take the test again.
Your distance vision is deficient if you see the O sharper or blacker, either in the red side or green side.
If you see the O sharper or blacker in the red part, you probably have myopia or a myopic tendency.
If you see the O sharper or blacker in the green part, you are most likely a hyperopia and have hyperopia.
A check with an optician is necessary in both cases.